


Hatha yoga
The main goal of hatha yoga practice is the physical health of a person. It is this state that brings a person closer to higher truths and harmony.
Yoga in hammocks
Yoga in hammocks or anti-gravity is a fitness program that combines asanas and exercises from Pilates, ballet, aerial gymnastics and acrobatics.
Iyengar Yoga
А form of Hatha yoga founded by the yogi Iyengar.
Children's yoga
Yoga teaches relaxation techniques as well as increases self-esteem and body awareness to enhance a child's overall well-being.
A number of mental exercises used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice
Prana control through yoga breathing exercises.
This is a set of stretching exercises developed in Sweden in the middle of the last century.
Healthy back
Therapeutic yoga for the back and spine for beginners.
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Massage is an important part of modern medicine, an art that has been perfected over five thousand years. Thanks to the hands of a massage therapist, unique techniques and natural ingredients, the body quickly copes with ailments and increases the overall tone of the body. We strive to ensure that each element is 100% consistent with our concept. Massage is recommended for physical and psychological stress, muscle pain, back problems, general exhaustion. In addition to the obvious health benefits, massage is great for relaxing, strengthening the immune system, and rejuvenating the body.

Modeling facial massage
Helps to activate the deep muscles of the face, is an independent and concomitant procedure of contour cosmetology.
Ayurvedic massage
It has a pronounced relaxing effect, promotes muscle relaxation and the production of serotonin. Made with aromatic oils.
Body-oriented massage
Helps to start metabolic processes, has a detoxifying effect. It is a procedure that removes internal clamps, correcting the overall tone of the skin and muscles.


Mon-Sun 16:00-22:00


Struga 17, 11-500 Gizycko, Poland